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Heliozea type7 POINTS
Play: Ciliophrys has a MOVE of 1,and is considered a EUKARYOTROPH
Fact: Heliozoa is a type of amoeba that is spherical with stiff prjections (axopods) radiating outwards from its body.
Ciliophora phyla4 POINTS
Play: Blepharisma has a MOVE of 1, and is considered an HETEROTROPH
Fact: Cilates are characterized by the presence of hair like organelles called cilia.
Algae Bloom
Event CardPlay: Can be played for below effect and then discarded
Effect: You may remove any 2 AUXOTROPHS on the table and place them elsewhere at your disgression.
Euplotes genus4 POINTS
Play: Anisonema has a MOVE of 1, and is considered an HETEROTROPH
Fact: Anisonema have two flagella which beat in different but coordinated ways
Heliozoa type7 POINTS
Play: Actinophyrys has a MOVE of 1, and is considered a EUKARYOTROPH.
Fact: Heliozoa is a type of amoeba that is spherical with stiff projections (axopods) radiating outwards from its body.
PACLITAXEL (MW: 853.906)
SOURCE: Pacific Yew Tree
USE: (also known as TAXOL) mitotic inhibitor, lung, ovarian, breast cancer chemotherapy.
PLAY: Place under source card for + 5 points.