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Glyptodon Genus4 POINTS
Play: Glyptodon has a MOVE of 2 and is EXTINCT
Fact: Darwin described the fossils as “a large animal, with an osseous coat in compartments, very like that of an armadillo.”
Sand Jellyfish
Rhopilema esculentum9 POINTS
Play: This jellyfish has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: The Sand Jellyfish is edible, and is often served in South East Asian cuisine.
Northern Rat Flea
Nosopsyllus fasciatus9 POINTS
Play: The Northern Rat Flea has a MOVE of 2, and must be played adjacent a RODENTIA species.
Fact: This flea is also known for being a minor vector for the plague.
Bridled Burrfish
Chilomycterus antennatus9 POINTS
Play: This fish has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: C. antennatus has the ability to inflate their body through the swallowing of water or air.
Scalesia pedunculata
Scalesia pedunculata3 POINTS
Fact: Darwin first collected specimens of this species from Santiago Island in October 1835 on the voyage of the Beagle, and it was later named by his friend Joseph Dalton Hooker.
Darwin’s Rhea
Rhea pennata3 POINTS
Play: Darwin’s Rhea has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: Darwin was searching for this bird, and first came across it on his dinner table when Conrad Martens, an artist on board the H.M.S. Beagle, accidentally shot one for a meal.