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Copepoda subclass
Scale 3 Diat: carbon-macromolecules , Hierachy 1
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Play: Copepoda has a MOVE of 1

Fact: Copepoda live both in the sea and in freshwater habitats

cold, cool, warm
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Copepods (/ˈkoʊpɪpɒd/; meaning “oar-feet”) are a group of small crustaceans found in the sea and nearly everyfreshwater habitat. Some species are planktonic (drifting in sea waters), some are benthic (living on the ocean floor), and some continental species may live in limno-terrestrial habitats and other wet terrestrial places, such as swamps, under leaf fall in […] read more

Habitat Loss

Event Card
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Play: Place this card on any SPECIES card.

Effect: The SPECIES card must be removed immediately. You may leave this card on the table to show that this location cannot be used anymore in the game.

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Habitat destruction is the process in which natural habitat is rendered functionally unable to support the species present. In this process, the organisms that previously used the site are displaced or destroyed, reducing biodiversity.[1] Habitat destruction by human activity is mainly for the purpose of harvestingnatural resources for industry production and urbanization. Clearing habitats for […] read more

Thread-winged Antlion

Nemoptera sinuata
Scale 4 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2
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Play: Nemoptera sinuata has a MOVE of 2

Fact: Nemoptera sinuata undergoes a complete metamorphosis with egg, larval, pupal, and winged adult stages.

cool, warm, hot
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Spoonwings or Nemopteridae are a family of neuropteran insects. They are also called Thread-winged Antlions. Their flight is delicate and they have a circling flight to avoid walls when they are trapped indoors. The long streamer is conspicuous when the insects are flying and these are the elongated and spatulate hindwings. They are found in […] read more

Climate Change

Event Card
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Play/Effect: Place this card on top of any SPECIES card to immediately remove. In the same action, the EVENT card then moves to an adjacent SPECIES card. A game of rock-paper-scissors determines whether this card is also discarded. Continue moving the EVENT card and removing SPECIES cards until you lose. Card can only be played once per game.

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Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years). Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions (i.e., more or fewer extreme […] read more

North Atlantic Right Whale

Eubalaena glacialis
Scale 9 Diat: carbon-macromolecules , Hierachy 3
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Play: Eubalaena glacialis has a MOVE of 2

Fact: Eubalaena glacialis feeds on Zooplankton or Krill SPECIES cards.

cold, cool, warm
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The North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis, which means “good, or true, whale of the ice”), is a baleen whale, one of three right whale species belonging to the genus Eubalaena,[1] all of which were formerly classified as a single species. Because of their docile nature, their slow surface-skimming feeding behaviors, their tendencies to stay […] read more


Electrona carlsbergi
Scale 5 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2
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Play: Electrona carlsbergi has a MOVE of 2

Fact: Electrona carlsbergi can also feed on a Zooplankton SPECIES card

cold, cool
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Lanternfishes (or myctophids, from the Greek mykter, “nose” and ophis, “serpent”) are small mesopelagic fish of the large family Myctophidae. One of two families in the order Myctophiformes, the Myctophidae are represented by 246 species in 33 genera, and are found in oceans worldwide. They are aptly named after their conspicuous use of bioluminescence. Their […] read more