Japanese Flying Squirrel
Pteromys momonga4 POINTS
Play: Pteromys momonga has a MOVE of 2
Fact: Pteromys momonga blend so well with the coloration of the tree bark that they practically become invisible.
Green Darner
Anax junius9 POINTS
Play: Anax junius has a FLIGHT of 2
Fact: Anax junius is one of the largest dragonflies.
Common Eider
Somateria mollissima5 POINTS
Play: Somateria mollissima has a FLIGHT of 3
Fact: Somateria mollissima is the largest duck found in Europe and in North America
Giraffa camelopardalis3 POINTS
Play: Giraffa camelopardalis has a MOVE of 2
Fact: There are about 9 different giraffe subspecies which are distinguished by their coat patterns.
California Quail
Callipepla californica2 POINTS
Play: Callipepla californica has a FLIGHT of 2
Fact: Callipepla californica like to have dust baths
Common Chaffinch
Fringilla coelebs2 POINTS
• Fringilla coelebs has a FLIGHT of 2
• Fringilla coelebs has many names, including the “reduplicative shellapple shiltie.”