White-fronted Amazon

Amazona albifrons
Scale 6 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2


Amazona albifrons has a FLIGHT of 2.
Amazona albifrons has a long potential life span, usually around 40 years.

Warm, Hot
The White-fronted Amazon, at about 25 cm (10 in) long, is the smallest of the Amazon parrots. This species is named for the bright white patch of feathers on their foreheads, although the amount of white varies from individual to individual. They have mostly green plumage with some blue colouring on their outspread wings. They have bright red […] read more


Ophisthocomus hoazin
Scale 6 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2


Ophisthocomus hoazin has a FLIGHT of 2.
Ophisthocomus hoazin is the national bird of Guyana.

Warm, Hot
Graphic by E. Harlowphylogame.org
The Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin), also known as the Hoactzin, Stinkbird, or Canje “Pheasant”, is an unusual species of tropical bird found in swamps, riverine forest and mangrove of the Amazon and the Orinoco delta in South America. It is the only member of the genus Opisthocomus (Ancient Greek: wearing long hair behind, referring to its large crest),[2] which in turn is the only extant genus in the family Opisthocomidae. […] read more

European Goldfinch

Carduelis carduelis
Scale 5 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


Carduelis carduelis has a FLIGHT of 2.

When these birds sing, it is often in chorus. Some male goldfinches even sing when they are in flight.

Cool, Warm
The European Goldfinch or Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) is a small passerine bird in the finch family. The average Goldfinch is 12–13 cm long with a wingspan of 21–25 cm and a weight of 14 to 19 grams. The sexes are broadly similar, with a red face, black and white head, warm brown upperparts, white underparts with buff flanks and breast patches, and […] read more

Cactus Wren

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus
Scale 5 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus has a FLIGHT of 2.

The cactus wren was named the official Arizona state bird in 1931. Its latin name means curved beak.

Warm, Hot
The Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) is the largest North American wren, and is 18–23 cm (7-9 inches) long. Unlike the smaller wrens, the Cactus Wren is easily seen. It has the loud voice characteristic of wrens. The Cactus Wren is much less shy than most of the family. Its marked white eyestripe, brown head, barred wings and tail, and […] read more

Eurasian Coot

Fulica atra
Scale 5 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2


Fulica atra has a FLIGHT of 1. • Fulica atra must be placed adjacent to at least one FRESH WATER containing card.

Cool, Warm
The Eurasian Coot, Fulica atra, also known as Coot, is a member of the rail and crake bird family, the Rallidae. The Australian subspecies is known as the Australian Coot. Distribution The Coot breeds across much of the Old World on freshwater lakes and ponds. It occurs and breeds in Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. The species has recently expanded its range into New Zealand. It is […] read more

Resplendant Quetzal

Pharomachrus mocinno
Scale 5 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3
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Play: Pharomachrus mocinno has a FLIGHT of 2.

Fact: The ancient Aztecs and Maya viewed the quetzal as the “god of the air” and as a symbol of goodness and light.

cool, warm
Graphic by Tricia Arnoldbabbletrish.blogspot.com/
The Resplendent Quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno, is a spectacular bird of the trogon family. It is found from southern Mexico to western Panama (unlike the other quetzals of the genus Pharomachrus, which are found in South America and eastern Panama). There are two subspecies, P. m. mocinno and P. m. costaricensis, the Costa Rican Resplendent Quetzal. […] read more