
Trail Maintenance
Event Card
Play: You can play this card immediately after your opponent has played the trail erosion EVENT card.
Effect: Negates the effect of the trail erosion EVENT card. Does not work on any other EVENT card.

Trail Erosion
Event Card
Play: Place this card on top of any PLANT species in the urban, forest or grassland terrain.
Effect: The plant that is under this card is IMMEDIATELY discarded and the ecosystem that is built off of it is also discarded.

Red Tide
Event Card
PLAY: Place this card on any SPECIES that consume shellfish.
EFFECT: The SPECIES card and EVENT card are immediately discarded.

Disease Outbreak
Event Card
PLAY: Place this card on multiple cards of the same SPECIES.
EFFECT: The SPECIES card(s) and EVENT card are immediately discarded.

Oil Spill
Event card
PLAY: Place this card on any SPECIES card.
EFFECT: The SPECIES card and EVENT card are immediately discarded.

Scientific Insight
Event Card
Play: Can be played on the table next to the plater for the below effect.
Effect: Leave this card on the table. This card enables the player to pick up two new cards per TURN instead of the usual one.