
Darwin Gets Seasick
Event Card
Play: Can be played for the below effect, and then discarded.
Effect: All other players must discard half (round down) of the cards in their hand.

Human Influence
Event Card
Play: Play on a SPECIES card.
Effect: The played SPECIES card is discarded immediately.

Then and Now
Event Card
Play: Can be played at the start of one’s TURN for the below effect, and then discarded.
Effect: All EXTINCT species on the table are discarded.

Water Pollution
Event card
Play: Place this card on any ocean or freshwater based SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.

Research Card
Event card
Play: You can play this card immediately after your opponent has played an EVENT card on one of your SPECIES cards.
Effect: Negates the effect of the EVENT card. Does not work on EVENT cards that are not played specifically on top of a SPECIES card.

Event Card
Play: Place this card on any ocean or freshwater based SPECIES card
Effect: The SPECIES card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.