Plumeria obtusa5 POINTS
• Plumeria obtusa has a SPREAD of 1. (Requires a POLLINATOR.) The scent of the Plumeria has been associated with a vampire in Malay folklore, the pontianak.
Rubus ursinus4 POINTS
• Rubus ursinus has a SPREAD of 1. (Requires an HERBIVORE or OMNIVORE). Rubus ursinus should not be confused with the popular handheld device.
Blackeyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta4 POINTS
• Rudbeckia hirta has a SPREAD of 1 (Requires a POLLINATOR. This is the official state flower of Maryland.
Big-rooted Morning Glory
Ipomoea pandurata3 POINTS
• Ipomoea pandurata has a SPREAD of 1. (Requires a POLLINATOR) The seeds of this species are incredibly hairy.
Nepenthes gymnamphora
Nepenthes gymnamphora4 POINTS
• Nepenthes gymnamphora has a SPREAD of 1. (Requires a POLLINATOR) • Nepenthes gymnamphora is also carnivorous against Insectas of SCALE 4. The taxonomy of this species is heavily debated.
Paper Birch
Betula papyrifera5 POINTS • Betula papyrifera has a SPREAD of 1 (requires WIND). The relatively soft, whitish wood is used extensively for such items as clothespins, spools, ice cream sticks, and toothpicks.