Phytochemistry Expansion Deck
2016 – (See Cards/Deck Info | Download | Purchase)…
This set was designed by Dr. Stephen McNeil (and illustrated by Julia K. Kreutz) to highlight plant species that are important because of the chemical compounds they provide. As such, it introduces to the Phylo system, a new card type (Chemistry cards), as well as a new rule for expanded play in the Phylo Ecosystem Rules. This deck can be used an expansion deck for the main Phylo ecosystem game (cannot be played on its own in this manner), or used as a stand alone game where pair wise mechanics are followed (i.e. memory, go fish, etc). Includes 10 plant species cards, and 10 associated phytochemical cards.

PACLITAXEL (MW: 853.906)
SOURCE: Pacific Yew Tree
USE: (also known as TAXOL) mitotic inhibitor, lung, ovarian, breast cancer chemotherapy.
PLAY: Place under source card for + 5 points.

Pacific Yew
Taxus brevifolio

FACT: The drug Paclitaxel is isolated from the bark of the Pacific Yew Tree.

(MW: 314.469)
SOURCE: Atropa belladonna
USE: acetylcholine antagonist, pupil dilation, cardiac resuscitation, nerve gas treatment.
PLAY: Place under source card for + 5 points.

Cannabis sativa
Cannabis sativa

FACT: The drug tetrahydrocannabol is isolated from Cannabis sativa.

CAFFEINE (MW: 194.19)
SOURCE: Coffea arabica, Coffea canaphora, Camellia sinesnis
USE: central nervous system stimulant
PLAY: Place under source card for + 5 points.

Coffea Arabica
Coffea Arabica

FACT: C. arabica contains less CAFFEINE than other commercially available species of coffee.