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Polychaos genus4 POINTS
Play: Polychaos has a MOVE of 2, and is considered an HETEROTROPH.
Fact: Polychaos are often defined as unicellular organisms with no defined shape.
Peridinium genus4 POINTS
Play: Peridinium has a MOVE of 1, and is considered a MIXOTROPH
Fact: Peridinium morphology is typical of an armoured dinoflagellate type.
Petalomonas genus4 POINTS
Play: Petalomonas has a MOVE of 1, and is considered an HETEROTROPH
Fact: Petalomonas feeds by phagocytosis.
Paramecium genus7 POINTS
Play: Paramecium has a MOVE of 1, and is considered an EUKARYOTROPH.
Fact: The green things are endosymbiotic algae known as chlorella.
Nitzschia group2 POINTS
Play: Nitzschia is considered an AUXOTROPH
Fact: Nitzschia are a common form of phytoplankton and have cell walls made of silica (called a frustule).
Nebela genus7 POINTS
Play: Nebela has a MOVE of 1, and is considered an EUKARYTROPH
Fact: Nebela are often found living on mosses and humus rich soils. They can be as small as 30um but also reach up to sizes of 380um.