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SALICIN (MW: 286.28)
SOURCE: White Willow
USE: precursor to Aspirin. antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory.
PLAY: Place under source card for + 5 points.
White Willow
Salix alba2 POINTS
Fact: The drug Salicin is isolated from the bark of the White Willow.
Water Pollution
Event cardPlay: Place this card on any ocean or freshwater based SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.
Research Card
Event cardPlay: You can play this card immediately after your opponent has played an EVENT card on one of your SPECIES cards.
Effect: Negates the effect of the EVENT card. Does not work on EVENT cards that are not played specifically on top of a SPECIES card.
Leponcinclis genus2 POINTS
Play: Leponcinclis has a MOVE of 1, and is considered both a MIXOTROPH.
Fact: Leponcinclis is photosynthetic but can also feed off smaller pond organisms.
Netrium genus2 POINTS
Play: Netrium is considered an AUXOTROPH.
Fact: Netrium is an algae of the desmid family.