Stoplight Parrotfish
Sparisoma viride5 POINTS
• Sparisoma viride has a MOVE of 2.
• Sparisoma viride eats ALGAE and CORAL, and must be place adjacent to at least 1 compatible ALGAE or CORAL species card (irrespective of SCALE).
Clown Triggerfish
Balistoides conspicillum8 POINTS
• Balistoides conspicillum has a MOVE of 2.
• Balistoides conspicillum can only prey on compatible SPECIES with a SCALE of 4 or 5.
Tiger shark
Galeocerdo cuvier8 POINTS
• Galeocerdo cuvier has a MOVE of 2.
• Galeocerdo cuvier can only prey on compatible SPECIES with a SCALE of 5 or higher.
Sebastes spp.8 POINTS
• Sebastes spp has a MOVE of 2.
• Can only prey on SPECIES with a SCALE of 4, 5 or 6.
Steller Sea Lion
Eumetopias jubatus8 POINTS
Play: Eumetopias jubatus has a MOVE of 2
Fact: Eumetopias jubatus feed on a variety of fish, squid and octopus, and sometimes even other seals.
Killer Whale
Orcinus orca8 POINTS
Play: Orcinus orca has a MOVE of 2
Fact: Orcinus orca feed on fish, sea lions, seals, walruses and even large whales