Rangifer tarandus6 POINTS
• Rangifer tarandus has a MOVE of 2.
Santa Claus’ sleigh is pulled by flying reindeer.
Polar Bear
Ursus maritimus10 POINTS
Play: Ursus maritimus has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: Many leading polar bear biologists have expressed grave concerns about the impact of climate change on the survival of this species.
Arctic Fox
Alopex lagopus5 POINTS
• Alopex lagopus has a MOVE of 2.
• Alopex lagopus lives farther north than any other land mammal.
Crab-Eating Raccoon
Procyon cancrivorus5 POINTS
• Procyon cancrivorus has a MOVE of 2.
• Procyon cancrivorus must be placed next to at least one WATER BASED TERRAIN.
Phillipine Tarsier
Tarsius syrichta10 POINTS
• Tarsius syrichta has a MOVE of 2.
The eyes of Tarsius syrichta are larger than its brain, and they can rotate their head 180 degrees.
Steller Sea Lion
Eumetopias jubatus9 POINTS
• Eumetopias jubatus has a MOVE of 2. Tourists often see Eumetopias jubatus “sun bathing” on rocks.