World Science Festival Coral Reef Deck
2012 – (See cards | Deck Info | Download | Purchase)…
The WSF Coral Reef Deck was produced in collaboration with the 2012 World Science Festival‘s coral reef exhibit, Reefs As Never Before Seen. The exhibit premiered on May 31st, 2012, at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The game consists of 39 different cards, and would be considered an advanced version of the game given the less familiar complexity involved in marine ecosystems.

Whale Shark
Rhincodon typus

• Rhincodon typus has a MOVE of 2.
• Rhincodon typus is a FILTER FEEDER, and needs to be played adjacent to at least 1 compatible PLANKTON SPECIES.

Pajama Cardinalfish
Sphaeramia nematoptera

• Sphaeramia nematoptera has a MOVE of 2.
• Sphaeramia nematoptera can only prey on compatible SPECIES with a SCALE of 4 or 5.

Stoplight Parrotfish
Sparisoma viride

• Sparisoma viride has a MOVE of 2.
• Sparisoma viride eats ALGAE and CORAL, and must be place adjacent to at least 1 compatible ALGAE or CORAL species card (irrespective of SCALE).

Clown Triggerfish
Balistoides conspicillum

• Balistoides conspicillum has a MOVE of 2.
• Balistoides conspicillum can only prey on compatible SPECIES with a SCALE of 4 or 5.

Nembrotha cristata

• Nembrotha cristata has a MOVE of 1.
• Nembrotha cristata can only prey on compatible CORAL or SPONGE SPECIES cards (must be played adjacent to one of these regardless of SCALE)

Flamingo Tongue snail
Cyphoma gibbosum

• Cyphoma gibbosum has a MOVE of 1.
• Cyphoma gibbosum eats CORAL, and must be place adjacent to at least 1 compatible CORAL species card (irrespective of SCALE).