World Science Festival Coral Reef Deck
2012 – (See cards | Deck Info | Download | Purchase)…
The WSF Coral Reef Deck was produced in collaboration with the 2012 World Science Festival‘s coral reef exhibit, Reefs As Never Before Seen. The exhibit premiered on May 31st, 2012, at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The game consists of 39 different cards, and would be considered an advanced version of the game given the less familiar complexity involved in marine ecosystems.

Bigfin reef squid
Sepioteuthis lessoniana

• Sepioteuthis lessoniana has a MOVE of 2. • Sepioteuthis lessoniana can only prey on compatible crustacea and actinopterygii SPECIES with a SCALE of 4 or higher.

Tiger shark
Galeocerdo cuvier

• Galeocerdo cuvier has a MOVE of 2.
• Galeocerdo cuvier can only prey on compatible SPECIES with a SCALE of 5 or higher.

Bubblegum coral
Paragoria arborea

• Paragoria arborea is a COLD WATER CORAL.
• Paragoria arborea is a SUSPENSION FEEDER, and needs to be played adjacent to at least 1 compatible PLANKTON SPECIES.

Caribbean Spiny lobster
Panulirus argus

• Panulirus argus has a MOVE of 1, and can only prey on SPECIES with a SCALE of 4 or 5.
• Panulirus argus is a SCAVENGER. If removed due to a consequence of an EVENT card, return to your hand.

Sea Cucumber
Bohadschia argus

• Bohadschia argus has a MOVE of 1. • Bohadschia argus is a SCAVENGER. If removed due to a consequence of an EVENT card, return to your hand.

Lophelia Coral
Lophelia pertusa

• Lophelia pertusa is a COLD WATER CORAL.
• Lophelia pertusa is a SUSPENSION FEEDER, and needs to be played adjacent to at least 1 compatible PLANKTON SPECIES.