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Succulent Grass

Albuca namaquensis
Scale 6 Diat: photosynthetic , Hierachy 1
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FACT: The flowers that bloom from the corkscrew albuca have an aroma similar to vanilla.

warm, hot
Graphic by Nandita
Albuca is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae.[2] The genus is distributed mainly in southern and eastern Africa, with some species occurring in northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.[3] Plants of the genus are known commonly as slime lilies.[4] These are perennial herbs growing from bulbs. The stem is sheathed in leaves with linear to strap-shaped blades.[5] They can be 8 centimeters to well over […] read more

Sal Tree

Shorea robusta
Scale 9 Diat: photosynthetic , Hierachy 1
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FACT: In Nepal, the leaves of the Sal tree are used to make local plates and vessels called “tapari”, “doona”, and “bota” in which rice and curry is served.

warm, hot
Graphic by Nandita
Shorea robusta, the sal tree,[2] also sarai and other names,[3] is a species of tree in the family Dipterocarpaceae. This tree is native to the Indian subcontinent, ranging south of the Himalaya, from Myanmar in the east to Nepal, India and Bangladesh. In India, it extends from Assam, Bengal, Odisha and Jharkhand west to the Shivalik Hills in Haryana, east of the Yamuna. The range also extends through the Eastern Ghats and to the eastern Vindhya and Satpura ranges of central India.[4] It is often the […] read more

Nepalese Fig

Ficus sarmentosa
Scale 8 Diat: photosynthetic , Hierachy 1
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FACT: The nepal fig is an edible fruit that is native to China, Eastern Asia, Indian Subcontinent and Indo-China region.

cool, warm
Graphic by Nandita
Ficus semicordata, commonly known as the drooping fig, is a small to medium-sized fodder tree of genus Ficus.[2] It bears edible fruit. The figs on the lower part of the leafless branches may develop in leaf litter and humus, and be buried in the surface of the soil, where the seeds germinate. Otherwise birds and other animals distribute the seeds. […] read more


Scale 8 Diat: photosynthetic , Hierachy 1
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FACT: Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants at 1 inch per 40 minutes or 1 mm every 90 seconds.

cool, warm, hot
Graphic by Nandita
Bamboos are a diverse group of evergreen perennial flowering plants in the subfamily Bambusoideae of the grass family Poaceae. The origin of the word “bamboo” is uncertain, but it probably comes from the Dutch or Portuguese language, which originally borrowed it from Malay or Kannada.[3] In bamboo, as in other grasses, the internodal regions of the stem are usually hollow and the vascular bundles in the cross-section are scattered throughout the stem instead of in a cylindrical […] read more

Usnea Lichen

Usnea sp.
Scale 5 Diat: carbon-macromolecules , Hierachy 2
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FACT: This lichen called old man’s beard must be played next to a tree.

cold, cool, warm
Graphic by Nandita
Usnea is a genus of mostly pale grayish-green fruticose lichens that grow like leafless mini-shrubs or tassels anchored on bark or twigs.[1]:203 The genus is in the family Parmeliaceae. It grows all over the world. Members of the genus are commonly called old man’s beard, or beard lichen.[1]:203 Like other lichens it is a symbiosis of two or three fungi and an alga.[2] In Usnea, the fungus belongs to the division Ascomycota, while the alga is a member […] read more

Musk Deer

Moschus Leucogaster
Scale 7 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2
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PLAY: The musk deer has a MOVE of 2
FACT: This animal is hunted for its musk which is one of the most valuable animal-derived products in the world.

cold, cool
Graphic by Pramit
Musk deer can refer to any one, or all seven, of the species that make up Moschus, the only extant genus of the family Moschidae.[1] Despite being commonly called deer, they are not true deer belonging to the family Cervidae. The musk deer family differs from cervids, or true deer, by lacking antlers and facial glands and by possessing only a single pair of teats, a gallbladder [2], […] read more