(QUICK LINKS: Decks | plants | mammals | birds | | reptiles | fish | cephalopoda | insects | microbe | events
( scientist | project | modifier | technique |)
Ice Age
Event CardPlay: Place this card on any SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES card is immediately discarded. Leave the Ice Age card in the space and all adjacent cards are “frozen” (cannont be moved). When your opponent has finished their turn, discard the Ice Age card.
Sand Storm
Event CardPlay: Place this card on any terrestrial SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES is immediately discarded. In the same action, this EVENT moves onto an adjacent card. A game of rock-paper-scissors determines whether this next SPECIES is also discarded. Repeat until your opponent wins wins at rock-paper-scissors.
Event CardPlay: Place this card on any SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES card is immediately discarded
Time Travel!
Event CardPlay: Play immediately after an opponent’s EVENT card is played.
Effect: The opponent’s EVENT card is immediately discarded, and its effects are cancelled. The Time Travel card is then also discarded.
Climate Change
Event CardPlay: Place this card on any SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES is immediately discarded. Leave the Climate Change card in the space. After your opponent has had their turn, any SPECIES that is still adjacent (horizontal and vertical) to this card (as well as this event card) is also discarded.
Mamenchisaurus5 POINTS
Play: Mamenchisaurus had a MOVE of 2.
Fact: Had the longest neck of any creature that lived, stretching to 18 meters.