(QUICK LINKS: Decks | plants | mammals | birds | | reptiles | fish | cephalopoda | insects | microbe | events
( scientist | project | modifier | technique |)
Giant Cuttlefish
Sepia apama8 POINTS
Play: The Giant Cuttlefish has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: Using cells known as chromatophores, the cuttlefish can put on spectacular displays, changing color in an instant.
Panther Chameleon
Furcifer pardalis3 POINTS
Play: This cameleon has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: The panther chameleons have very long tongues which can extend at around 26 body lengths per second
Bone Worm
Osedax rubiplumus10 POINTS
Play: This worm has a MOVE of 1 and must feed off of a whale SPECIES card.
Fact: Osedax rubiplumus is reported to sustain itself on the bones of dead whales.
Aeiou’s Virus
Event CardPlay: Place this card on top of any SPECIES card.
Effect: The SPECIES card is immediately discarded.
Free Lunch with Feather
Event CardPlay: Place this card next to any SPECIES cards.
Effect: On the same turn, you can play any card on top of Free Lunch with Feather disregarding any compatibility with adjacent SPECIES.
Chad’s Reverse-O-Tron Shield
Event CardPlay: This card may be played in IMMEDIATE response to any EVENT card.
Effect: Chad’s Reverse-O-Tron Shield deflects any EVENT card and bounces its effects onto your opponent.