Eastern Kingbird
Tyrannus tyrannus4 POINTS • Tyrannus tyrannus has a FLIGHT of 2. The Eastern Kingbird is highly aggressive toward nest predators and larger birds. Hawks and crows are attacked regularly.
Song Thrush
Turdus philomelos5 POINTS
• Turdus philomelos has a FLIGHT of 2.
The song of a Turdus philomelos is frequently referred to in poetry.
Common Raven
Corvus corax2 POINTS
• Corvus corax has a FLIGHT of 2.
• Corvus corax can inhabit any landbased terrain
Corvus corax is thought to be highly intelligent.
Pyrrhula pyrrhula4 POINTS
• Pyrrhula pyrrhula has a FLIGHT of 2.
Red-winged Blackbird
Agelaius phoeniceus3 POINTS
• Agelaius phoeniceus has a FLIGHT of 2.
Agelaius phoeniceus is sexually dimorphic; the male is all black with a red shoulder and yellow wing bar, while the female is a nondescript dark brown.
Black-capped Chickadee
Poecile atricapillus4 POINTS
• Poecile atricapillus has a FLIGHT of 2.
• “13 distinct types of vocalizations have been classified, many of which are complex and can communicate different types of information.”