Strigops habroptila6 POINTS
Play: Strigops habroptila has a MOVE of 1.
Fact: Kakapo are critically endangered; as of February 2010, only 123 living individuals are known.
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Aegolius acadicus9 POINTS
• Aegolius acadicus has a FLIGHT of 2.
Aegolius acadicus is the smallest owl in eastern North America.
Northern Cardinal
Cardinalis cardinalis6 POINTS
• Cardinalis cardinalis has a FLIGHT of 2.
“When a male sees its reflection in glass surfaces, it frequently will spend hours fighting the imaginary intruder.”
Great Blue Heron
Ardea herodias8 POINTS
• Ardea herodias has a FLIGHT of 2.
“Ardea herodias is the largest North American heron.”
European Starling
Sturnus vulgaris1 POINTS
• Sturnus Vulgaris has a FLIGHT of 2.
• S. Vulgaris is considered to be an INVASIVE species of Aves cards of identical scale and food chain rank.
• These birds are known to gather in huge flocks (sometimes as large as 1 million birds!).
Royal Starling
Cosmopsarus regius5 POINTS
• Cosmopsarus regius has a FLIGHT of 2.
The eggs of Cosmopsarus regius are light green with red speckles.