North Vancouver Expansion Deck
2020 – (Sample Cards | Download Expansion Pack | This pack can be added to the Beaty Deck)…
This deck was created by a small group of North Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada) homelearners. It was designed specifically to be used as an expansion pack the Vancouver centric Beaty Biodiversity Deck. Credits: Fraser Wagner (artist), Elliott Chaplin, Sam Beatty, Gabe Nielson, Layne Rausch, Josh Ravensbergen and Krista Tulloch.

Chicken of the Woods

Fact: Leatiporus is an edible mushroom found in North Vancouver. Many people say it tastes like chicken!

Red Huckleberry
Vaccinium parvifolium

Fact: Huckleberry is a versatile plant that is tasty to eat fresh and can be made into fruit leather or pie. Indigenous communities also used it as a cold remedy and as fish bait because the berries look like salmon eggs.

Trail Maintenance
Event Card
Play: You can play this card immediately after your opponent has played the trail erosion EVENT card.
Effect: Negates the effect of the trail erosion EVENT card. Does not work on any other EVENT card.

Trail Erosion
Event Card
Play: Place this card on top of any PLANT species in the urban, forest or grassland terrain.
Effect: The plant that is under this card is IMMEDIATELY discarded and the ecosystem that is built off of it is also discarded.

Corvus corax

Play: Raven has a FLIGHT of 2
Fact: Ravens roll on ant hills and chew up the ants so they can rub their guts on their feathers. Scientists think this may help with molting.