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Atlantic Footballfish
Himantolophus groenlandicus10 POINTS
Play: H. groenlandicus has a MOVE of 2 and can act as a PARASITE on other H. groenlandicus cards in play.
Fact: At maturity, the much smaller male becomes a parasite of the female
Blue Ray
Neoraja caerulea10 POINTS
• Neoraja caerulea has a MOVE of 2.
Paper Birch
Betula papyrifera5 POINTS • Betula papyrifera has a SPREAD of 1 (requires WIND). The relatively soft, whitish wood is used extensively for such items as clothespins, spools, ice cream sticks, and toothpicks.
Eastern Spotted Skunk
Spilogale putorius6 POINTS
• Spilogale putorius has a MOVE of 2.
The spotted skunk is not actually “spotted” in the traditional sense. Its dorsal stripes are broken in appearance which gives it its spotted moniker.
Striped Pyjama Squid
Sepioloidea lineolata10 POINTS
• Sepioloidea lineolata has a MOVE of 2.
Sepioloidea lineolata is one of the few cephalopods that are known to be poisonous.
Population Control
Event cardPLAY: on 1 SPECIES card. EFFECT: The opponent may only have one of that SPECIES in play. Discard all excess species cards. This includes cards which were a result of organism SPREAD.