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( scientist | project | modifier | technique |)
Canis lupus dingo8 POINTS
Canis lupus dingo has a MOVE of 2.
• Canis lupus dingo can reside with any HABITAT.
“The dingo is considered as an apex predator in Australia”
Pyrrhula pyrrhula4 POINTS
• Pyrrhula pyrrhula has a FLIGHT of 2.
Red-winged Blackbird
Agelaius phoeniceus3 POINTS
• Agelaius phoeniceus has a FLIGHT of 2.
Agelaius phoeniceus is sexually dimorphic; the male is all black with a red shoulder and yellow wing bar, while the female is a nondescript dark brown.
Alpine Mitrewort
Mitella pentandra3 POINTS
• Mitella pentandra has a SPREAD of 1 (requires a POLLINATOR).
Striped Hyena
Hyaena hyaena5 POINTS
• Hyaena hyaena has a MOVE of 2, and can feed on creatures of SCALE 7 or less..
“Like many other animals of hot climates, their ears radiate heat.”
European Badger
Meles meles4 POINTS
Play: Meles meles has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: Meles meles can become torpid (a kind of temporary hibernation) for two or so days at a time.