(QUICK LINKS: Decks | plants | mammals | birds | | reptiles | fish | cephalopoda | insects | microbe | events
( scientist | project | modifier | technique |)
Modifier CardThe Michael Smith Laboratories at UBC, is home to internationally renowned programs of research, training, & outreach including the team that brought you this card game.
Play: On your turn, you may use this card to look at the top 2 project pile cards. You may take one, and return the other one to the top of the pile.
Fund Research
Modifier CardThe CIHR is Canada’s federal funding agency for health research. With 13 Institutes, it provides leadership & support to more than 13000 health researchers & trainees across Canada.
Play:During your turn, you may use this card to pick up two extra cards from any pile except for the burn pile.
Expansion Deck | Home CardThis set was designed to highlight a selection of the plethora of bryophyte species found in British Columbia, Canada.
Dicranum scoparium2 POINTS
Fact: The leaves of the gametophyte all curve to one side, giving it the appearance of a tiny broom
Scapania bolanderi4 POINTS
Fact: This leafy liverwort is commonly found growing in Pacific Spirit park in turfs on the trunks of trees. Its’ leaves have toothed margins.
Claopodium crispifolium2 POINTS
Fact: A useful field characteristic to identify this moss are its chartreuse yellow tips, which contrast with the darker, older proximal portions of the plant