Eucryphia cordifolia (Ulmo) is a species of tree in the Cunoniaceae family. It is found in Chile and Argentina. It is threatened by logging and habitat loss. The natural habitat is along the Andes Range from 38 to 43°S, and up to 700 meters (2300 ft) above sea level. It is a very elegant tree with a thick trunk and wide crown and can become over 40 m (130 ft) high. It blooms in February and March, depending on latitude and altitude. The fruit is a capsule about 1.5 cm (0.6 in) length.

Photo by Fundación Jardín Botánico Nacional de Viña del
Its flowers contain a highly appreciated aromatic nectar, harvested by introduced European bees and commercialized as “ulmo honey“ (miel de Ulmo). The wood is light brown to brown, heavy, moderately firm, rather hard and quite decay resistant. It is used locally for construction and very extensively as firewood.
It also grows well in Scotland and has been planted in the North Pacific Coast of the United States.
(From Wikipedia, 15 July 2011)