Common House Mouse

Mus musculus
Scale 5 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3
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Mus musculus has a MOVE of 2.
• Mus musculus is considered a human COMMENSAL and can be played individually or under a Homo sapiens card.

Cool, Warm
Graphic by Sarah
The house mouse (Mus musculus) is a small rodent, a mouse, one of the most numerous species of the genus Mus. As a wild animal the house mouse mainly lives associated with humans, causing damage to crops and stored food. The house mouse has been domesticated as the pet or fancy mouse, and as the […] read more

Fennec Fox

Vulpes zerda
Scale 6 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3
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Play: Vulpes zerda has a MOVE of 2.

Fact: Families of Vulpes zerda can dig huge underground dens.

warm, hot
Graphic by Heather E.
The Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda) is a small nocturnal fox found along the northern rim of the Sahara Desert of North Africa and across the Arabian peninsula. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears. The name “Fennec” comes from the Arabic word for fox, and the species name zerda has a Greek origin […] read more

Cottontop Tamarin

Saguinus oedipus
Scale 6 Diat: omnivore , Hierachy 3


Saguinus oedipus have a MOVE of 2.
Saguinus oedipus have an interesting characteristic which consists of food associated calls that are correlated with food preferences.

Warm, Hot
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Photo by Brian
The Cottontop Tamarin (Saguinus oedipus), also known as the Pinché Tamarin, is a small New World monkey weighing less than 1lb (0.5 kg). It is found in tropical forest edges and secondary forests where it is arboreal and diurnal. This tamarin species has a long sagittal crest, white hairs from forehead to nape flowing over […] read more

Tiger Quoll

Dasyurus maculatus
Scale 6 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3


Dasyurus maculatus has a MOVE of 2.

“It is mainland Australia’s largest, and the worlds longest, carnivorous marsupial.”

Warm, Hot
Graphic by Leticia
Photo by Pierre
The tiger quoll (Dasyurus maculatus), also known as the spotted-tail quoll, the spotted quoll, the spotted-tailed dasyure or (erroneously) the tiger cat, is a carnivorous marsupial native to Australia. It is mainland Australia’s largest, and the worlds longest (the biggest is the Tasmanian Devil), carnivorous marsupial and it is considered an apex predator. The tiger […] read more

Spectacled Fruit Bat

Pteropus conspicillatus
Scale 6 Diat: herbivore , Hierachy 2


Pteropus conspicillatus has a FLIGHT of 2.
Pteropus conspicillatus is a POLLINATOR and is a frugivore. They eat fruit.

Warm, Hot
Graphic by S B
The Spectacled Flying-fox, Pteropus conspicillatus also known as the Spectacled Fruit Bat, lives in Australia’s north-eastern west regions of Queensland. It is also found in New Guinea and on the offshore islands including Woodlark Island, Alcester Island, Kiriwina, and Halmahera. The head and body length is 22–25 cm, forearm 16–18 cm, weight 400–1000 g. A […] read more

Western Sucker-footed Bat

Myzopoda schliemanni
Scale 6 Diat: carnivore , Hierachy 3
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Myzopoda schliemanni has a FLIGHT of 2.

Myzopoda schliemanni has “prominent suckers on its feet and thumbs.”

Warm, Hot
Graphic by S B
The Western Sucker-footed Bat (Myzopoda schliemanni) is a Malagasy bat. Little is known about its habits, but they are assumed to be similar to those of the Madagascar Sucker-footed Bat.[1] The Western Sucker-footed Bat is 92-107 cm. (3-3.5 ft.) long. It has large ears, and prominent suckers on its feet and thumbs. It has buff-brown […] read more