Beaty Biodiversity Museum Starter Deck
2012 – (See Cards | Deck Info | Download | Purchase)…
This deck includes a variety of organisms that are locally relevant to habitats in British Columbia, as well as species found in the museum’s exhibition space. The game consists of 30 different cards, encompassing a variety of organism and events.

European Honey Bee
Apis mellifera

Play: Apis mellifera has a FLIGHT of 2 and is considered a POLLINATOR.
Fact: Apis mellifera collect nectar and pollen to feed on, pollinating flowers in the process.

Oil Spill
Event Card
Play: Place this card on any ocean or fresh water based SPECIES card
Effect: The SPECIES card is IMMEDIATELY discarded.

Species Protection
Event Card
Play: You can play this card immediately after your opponent has played an EVENT card on one of your SPECIES.
Effect: Negates the effect of the EVENT card. Does not work on EVENT cards that are not played specifically on top of SPECIES.

Moss Mite
Oribatida order

Play: Oribatida has a MOVE of 1.
Fact: Orbatid mites help to enrich soil by breaking down organic matter.

Whitebark Pine
Pinus albicaulis

Fact: Pinus albicaulis may grow more than 20 meters in height if in favorable conditions

Black Bear
Ursus americanus

Play: Ursus americanus has a MOVE of 2
Fact: Ursus americanus are omnivores and their diets vary greatly depending on season and location