Boreal Biome Deck (in progress)
2017 – (See Cards | Deck Info | Purchase)…
This set was designed by Jonathan DeMoor and Elly Knight to highlight boreal forest ecosystems. The boreal biome encircles the northern pole of the planet north of the 50th parallel and is found in Canada, Russia, and the Nordic countries. Note that the purchasable and downloadable versions focus on three different terrain designations (Upland, Lowland, and Anthropogenic) and are not compatible with other Phylo decks.

Dragonfly Species
Odonata spp.

Play: This dragonfly has a MOVE of 2.
Fact: As the apex preadators of the insect world, you can watch dragonflies catch mosquitoes in flight (hopefully around your head).

Longhorn Beetle
Monochamus scutellatus

Fact: This beetle is found in postfire areas because its larvae eat dead wood, which in turn helps return nutrients to the soil.

Canadian Swallowtail
Papilio canadensis

Fact: Swallowtails are often seen in groups at mud puddles-these are males “puddling” to collect salts necessary for reproduction.

Bolete Species
Leccinum spp.

Play: Only on trembling aspen or paper birch.
Fact: Boletes rely on the roots of specific trees species for food. There are aspen boletes and birch boletes in the boreal forest.

Reindeer Lichen
Cladina stellaris

Play: Only on jack pine, black spruce, or sphagnum moss.
Fact: Reindeer lichen grows only 3-5 mm per year and can take decades to grow back after disturbance.

Sphagnum Moss
Sphagnum spp.

Fact: Sphagnum moss shapes the boreal forest by absorbing water and producing acid, which causes the development of peat bogs.