Microbe Collection
Ongoing – (See Cards)…
This set simply aims to collect “microorganisms” as loosely as defined as those species that are multicellular, singled cell or smaller (essentially SCALE value of 3 or less). Given the incredible diversity and abundance of species in this category, the Phylo project is hopeful that this collection will grow to represent this important part of biodiversity.
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli1 POINTS
Play: Escherichia coli has a MOVE of 1 and can beEscherichia placed next to (and underneath) any SPECIES card, no matter the TERRAIN.
Fact: Most E. coli strains are harmless.
Enterobacteria phage λ
Lambda phage-coliphage λ6 POINTS
Play: λ Phage is a PARASITE of (any) E. coli card.
Play: 2 λ phage cards played under 1 E. coli card will result in the discard of all 3 cards.
Play: A λ phage and an E. coli can be played together as a single action.
Enterobacteria phage T4
T4 phage6 POINTS
Play: T4 Phage is a PARASITE of (any) E. coli card.
Play: 2 T4 phage cards played under 1 E. coli card will result in the discard of all 3 cards.
Play: A T4 phage and an E. coli can be played together as a single action.