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Caulerpa peltata
Caulerpa peltata5 POINTS
• Caulerpa peltata has a SPREAD of 1/2 (1 per 2 turns).
Kashyyyk kashyyyk• Wookiees have a MOVE of 1 (or a MOVE of 5 when in spacecraft).
A Wookiee is prone to pulling arms out of sockets when he/she loses. Therefore, it is always wise to “Let the Wookiee win.”
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli1 POINTS
Play: Escherichia coli has a MOVE of 1 and can beEscherichia placed next to (and underneath) any SPECIES card, no matter the TERRAIN.
Fact: Most E. coli strains are harmless.
Enterobacteria phage λ
Lambda phage-coliphage λ6 POINTS
Play: λ Phage is a PARASITE of (any) E. coli card.
Play: 2 λ phage cards played under 1 E. coli card will result in the discard of all 3 cards.
Play: A λ phage and an E. coli can be played together as a single action.
Fox-tail Feather Moss
Thamnobryum alopecurum5 POINTS
• Thamnobryum alopecurum has a SPREAD of 1/2 (1 per 2 turns).
Common House Mouse
Mus musculus4 POINTS
• Mus musculus has a MOVE of 2.
• Mus musculus is considered a human COMMENSAL and can be played individually or under a Homo sapiens card.