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Wild Red Raspberry
Rubus idaeus1 POINTS
Fact: Wild red raspberry is a biennial plant-it grows a flowerless stalk one year, which then produces fruit and dies the next year.
Common Blueberry
Vaccinium myrtilloides3 POINTS
Fact: Blueberry loves sandy, acidic areas and often grows near conifers because the trees’ fallen needles acidify the soil.
Black Spruce
Picea mariana3 POINTS
Fact: Black spruce cones grow in a large clump at the top of the tree to protect them from wildfire-giving the trees a characteristic type.
White Spruce
Picea glauca3 POINTS
Fact: White spruce is a climax tree species in the boreal forest; it grows up in the understory shade, then takes over until the next fire.
Paper Birch
Betula papyrifera2 POINTS
Fact: Birch is an early successional species, meaning that it is one of the first trees to regrow after a disturbance like wildfire.
Trembling Aspen
Populus tremuloides2 POINTS
Fact: New aspen trees grow from the roots of adjacent trees. This clonal nature makes aspen the heaviest and oldest living organism.